• Amethyst

    • Promotes inner harmony and helps to quieten the mind
    • Assists in emotional healing
    • Enhances intuition and spiritual awareness
    • Assists with peaceful sleep
    • Cleanses your energetic field
    • Helps to release fear and anger
    • Calms heightened, stressed, or anxious thoughts
  • Angelite

    • Enhances connection and communication to the angelic realm
    • Stimulates psychic abilities
    • Enhances communication from Angel guides
    • Provides feelings of deep inner peace
    • Promotes forgiveness and healing
    • Increases intuition and inner knowing
    • Omits calming and healing energy
  • Black Tourmaline

    • Clears energetic blockages within the home and body
    • Protects against negativity
    • Balances and protects your aura
    • Enhances the feeling of security and protection
    • Protects against those who have ill thoughts towards you
    • Eases feelings of tension and stress.
  • Black Kyanite

    • Encourages connection to the spiritual realm, and encourages psychic abilities
    • Relieves conflict and negativity
    • Promotes a calm and balanced mind
    • Assists with dream connection and recall
    • Provides a protective energy shield when doing psychic work
    • A powerful stone for meditation and attunement
  • Black Obsidian

    • Provides strong psychic protection
    • Cleanses your aura and any energy within your auric field
    • Assists with aligning you to your higher purpose
    • Promotes clarity of mind
    • Brings deep emotional feelings to the surface
    • Promotes safety and security in your environment, helping you to feel safe.
  • Blue Calcite

    • Helps to reduce stress and anxiety
    • Promotes rest and relaxation
    • Assists with clear communication
    • Assists with psychic development
    • Increases and amplifies energy
    • Great stone for learning and studying, great for students
    • Allows for emotional release and purification of energy
  • Blue Lace Agate

    • Calms emotions and helps to reduce feelings of anxiety
    • Promotes open, honest and clear communication
    • Encourages trust
    • Helps to quieten an overthinking mind
    • Promotes self-expression
    • An overall soft, soothing stone which will bring calmness and ease of communication
  • Botswana Agate

    • Promotes creativity and helps to see opportunities
    • Provides support for emotional stability
    • Helps to release suppressed emotions
    • Promotes problem-solving and clarity to deal with issues
    • Provides gentle strength and inner courage
  • Citrine

    • Attracts good fortune, wealth, and prosperity
    • The ultimate manifesting stone, assists with manifesting your dreams.
    • Encourages joy and happiness
    • Promotes creativity and originality
    • Strengthens and heals the body and mind
    • Cleanses the chakras
  • Carnelian

    • Restores motivation and increases creativity
    • Restores energy and boosts endurance
    • Promotes positivity
    • Reduces and calms feelings of anger
    • Protects against feelings of envy and rage
    • Increases connection to sexuality and sensuality
  • Celestite

    • Enhances psychic abilities, and encourages you to trust your intuition
    • Provides connection to the angelic realm, and assists in communication with your Angels via dreams, meditation, and general guidance.
    • Promotes inner healing and brings harmony and balance to your energy field and aura
    • Promotes creativity
  • Clear Quartz

    • Cleanse the mind, body & soul
    • Amplifies energy, and any other crystal it is near
    • Dissolves energy blockages
    • Assists with increasing mood levels
    • Increases self-awareness and spiritual connection
    • Deep soul cleanse
    • Intensify's healing and growth
  • Dessert Rose

    • Encourages your connection to your higher self.
    • Activates spiritual connection and awareness
    • Encourages inner peace and self-worth
    • Allows you to see situations with objective clarity.
    • Encourages intuition and psychic abilities
    • Great crystal for meditation
  • Dalmatian Jasper

    • Assist with breaking down the barriers you have created
    • Provides strong protection and feelings of inner balance
    • Promotes inner child playfulness and happiness
    • Provides grounding and connection to the earth and mother nature
    • Encourages good luck and increases energy
    • A great stone for children to connect to mother earth, and encourage playful and balanced energy
  • Flower Blossom Agate

    • Provides nurturing energy during times of stress or turmoil
    • Assists with manifesting and driving you to your dreams
    • Creates passion and fire from within to pursue your goals
    • Provides a firey but loving energy which clears blockages
    • A great stone for entrepreneurs, to drive goals and dreams.
    • Encourages self-growth and expansion
  • Green Aventurine

    • Encourages prosperity, abundance, good luck, and money
    • Promotes mental clarity and dissolves negative situations
    • Assists with good decision making
    • Provides calming and gentle energy to the heart Chakra
    • Strengthens relationships
    • Promotes compassion and empathy
    • Encourages overall well-being and a positive state of mind
  • Hematite

    • Encourages grounding, balance, and stabilisation
    • Transforms negative energy into positive
    • Provides courage to support and pursue your goals
    • Helps to boost self esteem and confidence
    • Strengthens communication and connection to the earth
    • Provides strong protection from negative influences
  • Howlite

    • Provides support for anxiety and anxious thoughts
    • Encourages the mind to quieten during times of disharmony
    • Absorbs anger and tension from within
    • Encourages patience
    • Helps to formulate new ambitions and support to achieve them
    • Promotes sleep cycles
    • Assists with compassion and empathy
    • Assists with focusing on priorities
  • Kunzite

    • Encourages self-love, self-acceptance, and self-worth
    • Promotes effective and loving communication with others
    • Strengthens your energy field and clears your personal aura
    • Assists with relationship love, encouraging honesty, integrity, and intimate connection
    • Connects communication between the heart and mind, encouraging the heart to speak
    • Promotes unconditional love
  • Kyanite

    • A stone to help support connection to the spiritual realm
    • Encourages clear and receptive messages from spirit guides
    • Encourages psychic abilities and intuition
    • Deepens meditation practice
    • Clears negativity and dispels anger
    • Aligns the chakras and removes energy blockages
    • Deeply calming and promotes inner balance
  • Lapis Lazuli

    • Encourages self awareness and inner peace
    • Provides support to express and speak your truth
    • Reveals truths of others to you
    • Encourages deep inner peace
    • Promotes focus and wise thinking
    • Increases intuition
    • Stimulates enlightenment and spiritual connection
  • Lepidolite

    • Provides support for anxiety and anxious thoughts
    • Encourages transformation, and provides deep support
    • Encourages emotional healing
    • Helps to release old emotional patterns and provides support
    • Relieves stress
    • Provides support during periods of emotional difficulty
    • Provides gentle, loving and healing energy during periods of grief
  • Mookaite

    • Inspires and encourages you to take control of your life
    • Provides motivation to help with decision-making and procrastination.
    • Encourages you to realise your full potential.
    • Stimulates your gut instincts
    • Provides support during new path adventures
  • Moss Agate

    • Encourages and supports new beginnings, especially in areas of business
    • Attracts wealth and abundance, particularly in areas of agriculture or nature
    • Deepens connection to the Earth and mother nature
    • Assists with calming emotions and regulating mood swings
    • Promotes deeply stabilising yet gentle energy
    • Encourages self-expression and truth
  • Orange Calcite

    • Encourages motivation and creative energy
    • Increase energy, vitality and inner joy
    • Provides support to those with low mood or depression
    • Assists with balancing emotions and removing fear
    • Assists with insights and inner knowing
  • Palo Santo

    • Deeply cleansing, Sage and Palo Santo will dispel all negative energy within its path
    • Promotes purification and blessing, allowing for a clean fresh slate
    • Can be used to cleanse the home, crystals, people, or auras
    • Sage is a stronger smudge herb, while Palo Santo provides a gentle cleansing ritual
  • Pink Opal

    • Assists with expressing your emotions
    • Provides nurturing and loving energy
    • Encourages peace and tranquility
    • Encourages inner healing and balance
    • Provides hope and courage
    • Provides support during emotional times
    • A stone of love and compassion
  • Pink Amethyst

    • Provides divine love and inner peace
    • Helps to align you to your higher self
    • Strengthens intuition, and provides support to trust
    • Powerful healing stone, helping with self-love and inner peace
    • Encourages spiritual guidance and clarity
    • Assists with willpower and relieving stress
  • Pink Tourmaline

    • Promotes deep inner healing and healing of emotional pain
    • Provides loving support during inner child healing work
    • Encourages unconditional love and compassion
    • Assists with relieving emotions in times of stress or anxiety
    • Brings feelings of safety and comfort
    • Can help to attract romance and passion
  • Pyrite

    • Attracts wealth and prosperity
    • Encourages good fortune
    • Protects against negativity and attunes to a higher vibration
    • Promotes motivation and creativity, focus on your goals
    • Revitalises the mind and cleanses the chakras
    • Strengthens and heals the mind and body
  • Rainbow Moonstone

    • A stone of new beginnings
    • Encourages deep emotional healing and personal growth
    • Stablises emotions
    • Enhances psychic abilities and spiritual path
    • Enhances feminine energy
    • Encourages vivid dreams and dream connection
  • Rainbow Fluorite

    • Supports decision-making
    • Improves and enhances concentration
    • Assists with learning new skills and retraining knowledge
    • Balances mental chaos
    • Promotes creative thinking
    • Stabalises emotions
    • Cleanses and balances aura, increases spiritual awareness
  • Red Jasper

    • Provides support during times of stress
    • Encourages personal power and courage
    • Provides supportive grounding and nurturing properties
    • Helps to feel safe, secure, and connected to the earth
    • Provides protection against those who use control over you
    • Stimulates the imagination
    • Encourages sexual and sensual empowerment
    • Helps to release shame and guilt
  • Rhodonite

    • Promotes compassionate energy and helps to lift feelings of shame or guilt
    • Balances emotions of the heart, in particular pain or hurt
    • Provides nurturing and loving energy
    • Encourages acceptance and forgiveness
    • Builds confidence and self-esteem
    • Encourages love for oneself and others
  • Rose Quartz

    • Promotes unconditional love and peace
    • Encourages compassion and kindness
    • Eases stress and anxiety
    • Creates a strong sense of self-worth
    • Assists with emotional healing and dissolves emotional wounds
    • Attracts new love
    • Strengthens bonds within relationships.
  • Sage

    • Deeply cleansing, Sage and Palo Santo will dispel all negative energy within its path
    • Promotes purification and blessing, allowing for a clean fresh slate
    • Can be used to cleanse the home, crystals, people, or auras
    • Sage is a stronger smudge herb, while Palo Santo provides a gentle cleansing ritual
  • Selenite

    • Cleanses & charges personal energy fields and other crystals
    • Provides strong protection for home and personal energy
    • Clears and releases negative energy
    • Assists with connection to the divine and opens chakras
    • Provides clarity of thoughts and mind
    • Encourages peace and tranquility
    • Heightens spiritual awareness
  • Shungite

    • A powerful grounding stone, it helps to anchor you into your body and personal power.
    • Cleanses and detoxifies the aura of any negative energy
    • Brings shadow or stuck emotions from past trauma to the surface for healing
    • Assists you in understanding what energy belongs to you, and those energies that belong to others.
    • Shungite is said to protect from electromagnetic waves and EMF radiation.
  • Smokey Quartz

    • Encourages strong grounding properties, helping you to feel reconnected to the earth
    • Cleanses negative energy, and provides protection from negativity
    • Helps to realign and center personal energy
    • Encourages the detoxification process
    • Helps to release old wounds which are holding you back
    • Encourage personal power and inner growth
  • Sodalite

    • Calms nervous energy and emotional balance
    • Provides stability and clarity of mind
    • Improves communication
    • Increases self-esteem, self awareness and perception
    • Gently encourages you to bring power to your voice and speak your mind
    • Supports spiritual awakening
  • Sunstone

    • Restores feelings of happiness and joy
    • Promote good fortune and opportunities for luck
    • Encourages you to let go of fear and worry
    • Turns negative emotions into positive
    • Encourages empowerment, vibrancy, and leadership
    • Assist with manifesting your dreams
  • Strawberry Quartz

    • Provides unconditional love and activates the heart chakra on all levels
    • Assists with attracting your soul mate
    • Helps to understand one's life purpose, and soul destination
    • Amplifies good intentions and transmits them outward
    • Assist with journeying through dreams or meditations
    • Encourages connection to the highest spiritual council
    • Facilitates uncovering hidden knowledge.
  • Tigers Eye

    • A stone of good luck and protection
    • Provides courage and strength to pursue the path ahead
    • Encourages mental clarity and focus of the mind
    • Assists with remaining centered, reducing anxiety and fear
    • Assists with personal power.
    • Provides strong protection from negative influences
    • As the name suggests, Tigers Eye has a formidable energy that commands protection and strength
  • Tourmaline Quartz

    • Deflects negative energy and clears energy blockages
    • Cleanses the aura and clears energetic patterns
    • Provide a strong barrier of protection
    • Assists with feeling grounded and secure
    • Reduces thoughts and patterns of self-sabotage
    • Restores inner peace and harmony
  • Tree Agate

    • Encourages self discovery and self alignment
    • Improves compassion, understanding and inner peace
    • Reduces feelings and thoughts of the ego
    • Promotes clarity and stability of the mind, helping to overcome negative emotions
    • When used during meditation, it can deepen your connection with the earth.